Congratulations to all students! Keep up the good work.

Guest-of-honour, Mr Picasso Tan, Dean of Kuen Wushu Academy.

Group photo of students with Kuen Trainers.

Students listening intently to the Dean's motivational speech.
After this introductory module, some of them will be moving on to Wushu Apparatus Training in Staff and Sword. I bet they can't wait!
More Rivervale News:
I was at Rivervale's 10th Anniversary Celebrations Dinner. It was a superbly well-planned event with amazing performances from the dance items. The Wushu students participated too with a short Wushu performance in the collaborative school play. I thought they did great. From the applause and the looks on the teachers and audience's faces, I think they think so too!
Credit goes to Zhipeng Laoshi and Liu Juan Laoshi for their choreography and training. Both trainers have extensive experience in choreographing for stage performances and some of their works so far have been quite impressive.
Good job trainers!
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