Saturday, June 16, 2007

Children... Lots & lots of children....

We had our hands full today. A Wushu workshop at KUEN Wushu from a bus-load of children from Tien Hsia Language School, 127 to be exact.


They are a force to be reckoned with I can assure you. Teachers,, I applaud you for your patience and kindness towards these I mean angels.

Children can be cute. I'm not saying they can't be. In fact I quite enjoy working with kids. They have an abundance of energy that I have learned to tap on and channel it back into the class. You need this to recharge after every class to last through the day. A well conducted class with energetic and engaged students fills your energy right up to the top.

Here are some shots of those human Energizer batteries...

Children at KUEN Wushu doing their "Ha-Ha!" thing...

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